Disciple Bible Study Testimonials

                                If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;  John 8:31


  Three years ago I asked God to help me to grow closer to him, deepen my faith, and know his word.  He answered my prayers in church one Sunday, when I heard the testimony of a church member that had taken all of the Discipleship classes.  Her testimony touched my spirit and confirmed that I had to seek God for myself.  I had to put the time and work in.  I enrolled immediately, and since then, God has been blessing me to know Him through His word. My faith has increased and I know for myself that God is preparing me to be used by him.  I am about to enroll in my 4th year of discipleship class and I can’t wait to start.
LaTonya Jaiman
I have read the Bible through and through since adolescence, trying to follow the chronology of events and the involvement of chosen men and women in the fulfillment of prophecies, etc.  Through the Discipleship Classes, my eyes have been opened even more to see in greater detail how the perfect Salvation Plan of God unfolded in the divinely written and intertwined Books. I saw that, no matter how difficult or impossible things appeared and may appear, God’s plan has been and will continue to be realized in the set time and location and under the prescribed circumstances. Discipleship Classes have been invaluable to my spiritual growth and maturity as I learn how to live each moment in obedience and reverence to Almighty God. The classes have inspired me to dig even deeper in The Word and become more equipped for the ministering of the Gospel at home, at work, and about. It is no surprise that I anxiously await the next class and I encourage everyone who desires to grow in grace and towards perfection (Hebrews 6:1- NLT) to enroll as the Holy Spirit leads.
Edroy Adolphin
I successfully completed all of the discipleship classes including “Slaying the Giants”.  This was one of the best experiences that I have ever had.  I grew up attending church every Sunday in South Carolina.  I moved to Georgia after college.  I attended a church for over 20 years in the Decatur area before becoming a member of PHBC.  I was going to church all those years, but really never took the time to study the Bible.  I was indeed “playing church”.  When I first became a member, parishioners would get up and tell of the experiences in attending theses classes.  I said to myself, “It can’t be all that”.  I can tell you now that it was indeed all that!  Not only did I gain a better knowledge of the Bible, it connected me personally to other members of the church that I now refer to as my church family.  My son and I serve on the Usher’s ministry and I truly believe that my experience with learning beside others has made me better in so many ways.  I truly encourage you to take part in this study.  It will truly bless you in ways too many to mention.  I now have a better understanding of the Bible and how it relates to my life today.  If you are looking for an experience that you will never forget, try it out!!!  You will not regret it. 
Machelle Harden Coleman
Taking the Discipleship class provided me with the platform to navigate the detours that occur in life and also about relationships with others.  I have developed an intimate relationship with God through Christ rather than just learning about Him.  It has equipped me with God’s Word, prayer, doctrine, worship, encouragement and service. Through the small class settings, relationships were developed through devotions, care, and by encouraging each other toward living with Christ-like characteristics in our everyday lives.  One great impact from the class was hearing experiences and testimonies from classmates regarding their own journeys.
         This is a class for the seasoned Christian and well as the new Christian.  If you haven’t taken this class, I would strongly recommend that you do!
Carla Maddox
Thinking that I was a woman of faith and spirituality, I often read my bible, yet I noticed I lacked understanding.  For clarity, I decided to read the bible as one would read a book from Genesis to Revelation. I still lacked the understanding I felt I needed to grow in my faith. I decided to enroll in Discipleship 1.  Talk about enlightenment.  My brain began to see and absorb the spirit of the Lord and more importantly, I grew deeper in the faith as a believer in GOD ALMIGHTY.  After taking class 1 knew I had to continue to seek greater understanding.  The Bible is no longer a book just to be read, but a tool to guide me forward in my life’s journey.   Now that I have taken Discipleship 2, 3, and 4 “To God Be the Glory” I can rejoice in knowing as well as having a clearer understanding of the will of God.
I recommend to anyone who is seeking a greater understanding of God’s Will or just wishes to better understand  God’s word to enroll in the Discipleship class.
 Deborah Brown-Ingram
I am thankful as I reflect on the many years of Disciple Bible study here at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church and how God has blessed and grown this ministry and His people.  As we prepare for the upcoming session, I pray that you would take advantage of the opportunity, whether you are a first time or returning student, to engage in what has proven to be spiritually transforming for the Body of Christ. 
For anyone who may be concerned as to whether the virtual experience is significantly different than the in person experience, rest assured that as we ended last season’s session with a virtual experience, the power and presence of God was evident and we were immensely blessed.  As His dear children we make every effort to forsake not the assembly of the saints in order that we might become the Disciples He has called us to be.  I’m looking forward to seeing you in August. 
Minister Lorna Linen
Hello to the PHBC family!  We inevitably, as followers of Christ Jesus, face all sorts of struggles, including opposition and sometimes we even meet defeat.  What do we do?  How should we handle this as a Christian?  Discipleship participation offers assistance in the spiritual development necessary for us to live and represent the kingdom of God victoriously!  So please, accept this opportunity to strengthen yourself in the Word of God for spiritual edification.   God bless,
Bro. Roosevelt Conyers
As I reflect back on my years as a Disciple student, I am reminded of how the classes broadened the horizons of my spiritual journey.  My Disciple experience was truly one of the most spiritually rewarding encounters I had ever experienced.  It was more in depth than my own personal study had ever been.  I really began to value the various perspectives from other classmates, which enhanced my understanding of extended family in the church, which is so important in the body of Christ.  The study of God’s Word helped me grasp the real meaning of relationship, both with God through Jesus Christ and with fellow believers.  The fellowship of Disciple class is something I treasure always, as I not only grew closer to God through a deeper understanding of his word, but also in a more profound understanding of my role as a Disciple in the community of Christian believers. 
As a facilitator in the Disciple program, I am continually amazed to see how the thoughtful study of God’s Word provides the avenue by which spiritual maturity takes place in the lives of God’s people.  It is through the intimate fellowship with God’s Word and His people that lives are indeed changed and spiritually transformed.  Please join us for this wonderful time of study and fellowship! 
Minister John Riley